Thursday 29 June 2017

An Introduction to the News

I watched Look East Tuesday 20th October 2009. the stories they covered was 50 years of BBC Look East, Ian Masters and the weather forecast shown in this order.

the two presenters were Stewart White (73) and Susie Flower-Watt (48). The roles of these news presenters are to present the current news that is happening within the eastern side of England.

The certain types of skills a newsreader need are being able to understand his surrounding easily (able to tell what is happening around him) have good speech skills such as being able to talk clearly  and be understandable

The term news new ordering  means: Topic, order, number and length.

Place the story, which you think is the most important, at the top of the running order
 Think about the stories they need or want to know about
You could place a lighter story, or a weather report, at the end of the running order
 Where possible, group stories together Include a mixture of interesting stories, some local, national and international news
Think about putting someone in charge to make the final decisions Be flexible and prepared to alter the running order as the news changes

The ability of to think and act quickly while reporting the news in very much required as anything can  throughout the day so being able to analyse sudden events and be able to fluently and clearly say what is happening.

Bias through selection and omission
There was a debate about possible changes to student loan program. Fox news need not cover it. They ignored the vote in the house in which Republicans blocked the bill.
The left side of the media gave it covered it on the front page
a comparison of two news articles about Ted Cruz running for president in 2016 and in one of the news articles it includes a statement that states "Members of his party have called him names like "fraud" and wacko bird".

Bias through placement
During the 1989-1990 abortion rallies the Washington post published a 15 column space of the "pro-abortion" with several stories and articles while only 2 columns was about "pro-life"
both issues were equally as big.

Bias through headlines
People are more attracted to more larger titles and images. the title will also attract people who are affected by said news.

Bias through shot selection and camera angles.
Pictures can make people look good,bad,silly etc. and these photos can heavily influence the public opinion on the person the photo is of

Bias through names and captions
The first headline is simply stating the facts and what is happening with no bias. the second headline has been changed to make it seem like the schools are teaching something negative to people. it is clearly biased after you see the actual headline.

Bias through use of language
Biased language insults the person or group to which it is applied. In denigrating others, biased language creates division and separation. in using biased language about races and ethnic or cultural groups, speakers and writers risk alienating members of those groups, thus undermining the communication and shared understanding language should promote.

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